113 reasons have a jilbab / tudung
السلام عليكم. بسم اللهالرحمن الرحيم. لا إله إلا الله. محمد رسو ل الله
الحمد لله رب العا لمين. الصلاة و السلام على رسو ل الله. اما بعد
WHY I’m Select a veil / hijab?
1. Running symbol of Islam.
2. Intend to worship.
3. Covering private parts of a non muhrim.
4. Because I want to follow the God who created me, complete the event, giving rizki, protect, and help me.
5. Because I want to follow His Messenger, he guided humanity to article
6. To get ridho Allah (God willing).
7. There is a sign of thanks for his favor without fail.
8. Full scholars agree that the law imposes mandatory hijab.
9. So that woman covering her body.
10. Not for gayaan-style.
11. Not because according to the trend.
12. Unlike all the holy shock.
13. Better than pure sok sok zholim ^ _ ^.
14. Not just say that is different from others.
15. Top women from the yoke of shame that only the single goal of desire.
16. Hijab is suitable for all women who want to protect themselves from sexual items only.
17. I want to be women solihah.
18. I'm trying teqwa for middle grades.
19. Hijab is a garment posted.
20. Are the identities of Muslim women in hijab.
21. Starting with hijab wonderful, I want to hold the road to Paradise.
22. Distanced themselves from the scorching torment of the fire later today.
23. Wives wore Muslim Prophet.
24. The sahabiah (Companions of the Prophet women) also wore Muslim.
25. They are all Muslims panutan, as well as me.
26. May Allah give us the same consideration as their Garden.
27. To increase the Kel Islam.
28. To increase the Kel (glory) as the women themselves (Muslims).
29. Jilbab is to protect yourself.
30. Makes me feel safer.
31. Protect themselves from male harassment usil.
32. Obyek protect themselves from people just want to see 'eyewash'.
33. Protect themselves from male lust object.
34. Protect themselves from the eyes of people jelalatan.
35. Keep away from hands that would touch usil.
36. Avoid adultery and fornication liver points.
37. Prevention of an act of adultery itself.
38. Hijab to prevent me from negative attitudes.
39. Hijab's desire to eliminate the deviations.
40. Made me more casually.
41. Made me more humble.
42. Mejauhkan my sins (God willing).
43. Makes me ashamed when his sins.
44. I'm closer to God.
45. I approached the Prophet.
46. I approached his prophet.
47. I approached the fellow Muslims.
48. My approach to Islam.
49. Makes me want to know about Islam.
50. Makes me always feel thirsty Islamic teachings.
51. I still want to make a run in Islam.
52. Islam happens all the time, there are ancient.
53. Berjilbab not something old.
54. Berjilbab says that the ancient meaning was to threaten the power of God.
55. Ought to know better what is best known for his humanity.
56. Berjilbab, then mark the progress of implementation of Islamic teachings to the present.
57. The barometer is the establishment of an Islamic environment.
58. Distinguish themselves from other religions.
59. Facilitate recognition between the sisters sisters.
60. Ukuwah silaturahmi strengthen families and fellow Muslims.
61. Remove any doubt I would like to congratulate Muslim sisters.
62. Speed cultivate love-love between brothers sisters.
63. I make more elegant look.
64. Made me look gay.
65. I make women more visible.
66. Do not look like people.
67. Do I always among the Islami.
68. Jilbab keep me from mixing the wrong.
69. Easy for me, with the permission of Allah, that the righteous person.
70. Women are good (salihah) with a good man (right) as well.
71. Hopefully my husband was a righteous man.
72. Matchmaking is a matter for Allah.
73. In keta'atan Allah, Allah will give him facilities.
74. Easy for me to activity ..
75. Making it easier to move.
76. Menjagaku hijab so as not to see the body uneven
77. Very busy when a woman dressed like the current trend (tight).
78. I do not want to wear denim shorts.
79. Jeans tight pants can cause uterine canker because the womb is not the temperature around
80. Menghemat time dressing.
81. Menghemat hours of irradiation.
82. No need to be busy, busy always trying to follow the growing trend of fashion.
83. Menghemat buy clothes that cost the trend.
84. Menghemat cost to buy make-up.
85. Protects skin from make-up that can damage the skin.
86. Protect your skin from Li sting.
87. Reduce skin ulcer disease.
88. Sting of the sun to reduce moisture to the skin is dry skin.
89. Reduce the emergence of black spots on the skin surface as a result of pigment changes in a particular age.
90. Protect the hair from flying dust.
91. Dust can gum up the hair and cause hair loss resulting simple
92. Leads me to a simpler life.
93. Avoid the use of life.
94. Making yourself do not glare at all the pomp and grandeur of the world.
95. Made me think about things more than fashion and jewelry.
96. Placing the subject of women in the development of humanity.
97. Easier way to save.
98. Have the opportunity to perform hajj.
99. Have an opportunity to berinfaq and charity.
100. It means more work for the provision of day
101. I Meneladani Mary, Mother of Jesus USA
102. Jesus obeyed the order to U.S. & the former prophets. Based on the poem:
1 Corinthians 11:05 But every woman praying or prophesying with his head uncovered, insulting the head, because it is the same woman who shaved her hair.
11:06 For if the woman does not want to shield his head, then you should also cut his hair. But if the woman is an insult, that haircut or shave, and must shield his head.
11:07 For the people do not need to shield his head: it was his idea, and the glory of God. He radiates the glory of man.
11:08 For the people do not come from woman, but woman from man.
11:09 And the men are not created for women, but women were created for men.
11:10 Therefore, women should wear a sign of authority on her head because of the angels.
11:11 However, God, no woman no man and no man without a woman.
11:12 For as woman came from man, so man is born of woman, and everything is from God.
11:13 please consider yourself: The female head I pray to God uncovered?
103. Improving teaching lost from the previous academic
104. Execute command in the Qur'an, the Torah, the Psalms (Psalms) and the Gospel
105. Other evidence if the human race is lost before the teachings of the Prophet
106. Protect yourself from the Fire
107. Protect the sanctity of the lives of others
108. Remind others of God's commandments
109. Following the Road of Life & Truth taught by Jesus, self-AS
110. Come to God through Jesus the way the U.S. has removed the previous academic and purified again by God in the Qur'an by Prophet Muhammad saw
111. More important when compared to open a closed Rapih free / free
112. Savings can be used in the way of God
113. provide good examples for children and around
السلام عليكم. بسم اللهالرحمن الرحيم. لا إله إلا الله. محمد رسو ل الله
الحمد لله رب العا لمين. الصلاة و السلام على رسو ل الله. اما بعد
WHY I’m Select a veil / hijab?
1. Running symbol of Islam.
2. Intend to worship.
3. Covering private parts of a non muhrim.
4. Because I want to follow the God who created me, complete the event, giving rizki, protect, and help me.
5. Because I want to follow His Messenger, he guided humanity to article
6. To get ridho Allah (God willing).
7. There is a sign of thanks for his favor without fail.
8. Full scholars agree that the law imposes mandatory hijab.
9. So that woman covering her body.
10. Not for gayaan-style.
11. Not because according to the trend.
12. Unlike all the holy shock.
13. Better than pure sok sok zholim ^ _ ^.
14. Not just say that is different from others.
15. Top women from the yoke of shame that only the single goal of desire.
16. Hijab is suitable for all women who want to protect themselves from sexual items only.
17. I want to be women solihah.
18. I'm trying teqwa for middle grades.
19. Hijab is a garment posted.
20. Are the identities of Muslim women in hijab.
21. Starting with hijab wonderful, I want to hold the road to Paradise.
22. Distanced themselves from the scorching torment of the fire later today.
23. Wives wore Muslim Prophet.
24. The sahabiah (Companions of the Prophet women) also wore Muslim.
25. They are all Muslims panutan, as well as me.
26. May Allah give us the same consideration as their Garden.
27. To increase the Kel Islam.
28. To increase the Kel (glory) as the women themselves (Muslims).
29. Jilbab is to protect yourself.
30. Makes me feel safer.
31. Protect themselves from male harassment usil.
32. Obyek protect themselves from people just want to see 'eyewash'.
33. Protect themselves from male lust object.
34. Protect themselves from the eyes of people jelalatan.
35. Keep away from hands that would touch usil.
36. Avoid adultery and fornication liver points.
37. Prevention of an act of adultery itself.
38. Hijab to prevent me from negative attitudes.
39. Hijab's desire to eliminate the deviations.
40. Made me more casually.
41. Made me more humble.
42. Mejauhkan my sins (God willing).
43. Makes me ashamed when his sins.
44. I'm closer to God.
45. I approached the Prophet.
46. I approached his prophet.
47. I approached the fellow Muslims.
48. My approach to Islam.
49. Makes me want to know about Islam.
50. Makes me always feel thirsty Islamic teachings.
51. I still want to make a run in Islam.
52. Islam happens all the time, there are ancient.
53. Berjilbab not something old.
54. Berjilbab says that the ancient meaning was to threaten the power of God.
55. Ought to know better what is best known for his humanity.
56. Berjilbab, then mark the progress of implementation of Islamic teachings to the present.
57. The barometer is the establishment of an Islamic environment.
58. Distinguish themselves from other religions.
59. Facilitate recognition between the sisters sisters.
60. Ukuwah silaturahmi strengthen families and fellow Muslims.
61. Remove any doubt I would like to congratulate Muslim sisters.
62. Speed cultivate love-love between brothers sisters.
63. I make more elegant look.
64. Made me look gay.
65. I make women more visible.
66. Do not look like people.
67. Do I always among the Islami.
68. Jilbab keep me from mixing the wrong.
69. Easy for me, with the permission of Allah, that the righteous person.
70. Women are good (salihah) with a good man (right) as well.
71. Hopefully my husband was a righteous man.
72. Matchmaking is a matter for Allah.
73. In keta'atan Allah, Allah will give him facilities.
74. Easy for me to activity ..
75. Making it easier to move.
76. Menjagaku hijab so as not to see the body uneven
77. Very busy when a woman dressed like the current trend (tight).
78. I do not want to wear denim shorts.
79. Jeans tight pants can cause uterine canker because the womb is not the temperature around
80. Menghemat time dressing.
81. Menghemat hours of irradiation.
82. No need to be busy, busy always trying to follow the growing trend of fashion.
83. Menghemat buy clothes that cost the trend.
84. Menghemat cost to buy make-up.
85. Protects skin from make-up that can damage the skin.
86. Protect your skin from Li sting.
87. Reduce skin ulcer disease.
88. Sting of the sun to reduce moisture to the skin is dry skin.
89. Reduce the emergence of black spots on the skin surface as a result of pigment changes in a particular age.
90. Protect the hair from flying dust.
91. Dust can gum up the hair and cause hair loss resulting simple
92. Leads me to a simpler life.
93. Avoid the use of life.
94. Making yourself do not glare at all the pomp and grandeur of the world.
95. Made me think about things more than fashion and jewelry.
96. Placing the subject of women in the development of humanity.
97. Easier way to save.
98. Have the opportunity to perform hajj.
99. Have an opportunity to berinfaq and charity.
100. It means more work for the provision of day
101. I Meneladani Mary, Mother of Jesus USA
102. Jesus obeyed the order to U.S. & the former prophets. Based on the poem:
1 Corinthians 11:05 But every woman praying or prophesying with his head uncovered, insulting the head, because it is the same woman who shaved her hair.
11:06 For if the woman does not want to shield his head, then you should also cut his hair. But if the woman is an insult, that haircut or shave, and must shield his head.
11:07 For the people do not need to shield his head: it was his idea, and the glory of God. He radiates the glory of man.
11:08 For the people do not come from woman, but woman from man.
11:09 And the men are not created for women, but women were created for men.
11:10 Therefore, women should wear a sign of authority on her head because of the angels.
11:11 However, God, no woman no man and no man without a woman.
11:12 For as woman came from man, so man is born of woman, and everything is from God.
11:13 please consider yourself: The female head I pray to God uncovered?
103. Improving teaching lost from the previous academic
104. Execute command in the Qur'an, the Torah, the Psalms (Psalms) and the Gospel
105. Other evidence if the human race is lost before the teachings of the Prophet
106. Protect yourself from the Fire
107. Protect the sanctity of the lives of others
108. Remind others of God's commandments
109. Following the Road of Life & Truth taught by Jesus, self-AS
110. Come to God through Jesus the way the U.S. has removed the previous academic and purified again by God in the Qur'an by Prophet Muhammad saw
111. More important when compared to open a closed Rapih free / free
112. Savings can be used in the way of God
113. provide good examples for children and around