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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah 1432H

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 7 — Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz was named “Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah 1432H” at the national-level Ma’al Hijrah celebration at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre here today.
Zeti, 63, is the first woman ever named as the recipient of the “Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah” award in the celebration’s history of 24 years.
She (picture) received a cash prize of RM100,000, a medal, plaque and a certificate.
Interestingly, Zeti’s father, Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz Ungku Abdul Hamid was also named recipient of the award 11 years ago.
Speaking to reporters after receiving the award, she said she had never imagined receiving such an honour.
“I am very grateful and this will be an encouragement and inspiration for me to continue to work hard,” said the holder of a doctorate degree in Finance and International Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, in the United States.
Apart from numerous awards she received in Malaysia, Zeti had also received international recognition when she was selected as a member of the United Nations Commission of Experts to suggest the direction of world monetary and financial system.
Zeti also chaired the Executives’ Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) task force to formulate the master plan of financial cooperation between central banks.
Under Zeti’s leadership, the Islamic financial system had been prominently visible in Malaysia and contributed to a competitive, diverse, comprehensive and inclusive financial system.
In a decade, Zeti had also made Malaysia the world’s largest sukuk market, increased Islamic banking assets by three-fold to 21 per cent, and enabled over 100 domestic and international Islamic financial institutions operating in Malaysia.
At the international level, Zeti also contributed to the global acceptance of Islamic finance, including by leading an international team in the preparation of a report on Financial Stability and Islamic Finance, as well as chairing the Islamic Financial Services Board, an international agency for setting prudent monetary policy for Islamic financial institutions worldwide.
Sharing her success, Zeti said she spent most of her time reading, especially about financial, economic, leadership development and self improvement.
She said that it was important to instill curiosity in one’s quest for knowledge.
She also said that gender issue had never arose throughout her career, adding that she believed that there were also many more women capable of achieving the same level of success.
Meanwhile, her father Ungku Abdul Aziz, 88, was proud of his only child’s achievement as the first woman to receive the award.
When asked about how he taught Zeti, he said his daughter had always been given the freedom to choose whatever she wanted to pursue.
“I always gave her freedom. She could choose the subjects she wanted and where she wanted to do her PhD. I would discuss it without forcing or influencing her and ultimately she made the final decision,” he said.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said Zeti deserved the award based on her contributions in the development of the financial system and national economy, including the Islamic financial system.
This was especially evident in times of economic recession, he said, saying that apart from national leaders, Zeti was among those who provided ideas and contributed towards the recovery of the national economy.
“The country is not only proud of her contributions, but is also happy to give her this award in hopes that our women share the joy of this recognition for Zeti,” he added.
Besides at the national level, several individuals were also awarded the Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah at the state level, including National Mosque Grand Imam Tan Sri Shaikh Ismail Muhamad in Terengganu, former Pahang Syarie Judge Chief Datuk Abdul Hamid Abdul Rahman (Pahang), independent preacher Datuk Nawawi Ahmad (Melaka), Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat and Ridhuan Foo Abdullah (Kelantan), religious figure and politician Datuk Dr Haron Din (Selangor) and International Islamic University Malaysia architecture lecturer Prof Dr Ismawi Zen (Sarawak). — Bernama

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In Kota Bharu, Menteri Besar Kelantan, Masyidur Am  Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat received state-level figures Messenger Hijratul together Ridhuan Foo Abdullah.

According Ridhuan, 53, mixing the Malay community in the village of forgiveness by way of greeting the welcoming feast, sparked the inspiration for a new brother converted to Islam about 29 years ago.

That is the guidance shown by God to succeed Prophet Hijratul selected as leaders in the category you we commemorate Prophet Hijratul the State level.

He received a cash prize of RM5, 000, gold dinar and certificate from the Sultan of Kelantan, Tuanku Muhammad Ke-V, at the Islamic Center, Lundang.

According Ridhuan, he was born in the town Jelawat, Bachok within the Malay community and neighbors of the Malays.

He saw how they greet the warm embrace of each other that is rarely seen among the original itself.

He said, from where he sparked the interest of Islam to marry a nurse Malay girl, Che Rohani Abdul Rahman, 50, and the partnership they have six children living, three out of being in Egypt in the field menunutut Tahfiz al-Quran.

According to him, two of the children to help manage the company's electronics business and a branded electronic goods dealer.


"Drugs are the enemy and destroyer of life." Ustaz HJ HANAFI RASHID BIN HJ A. To date, he offers some alternative medical treatment methods of applying the traditional Islamic approach in the form of "Pray, Endeavour and Trust".

During the first 7 days The drug will be given to drink coconut water that has been read the verses of holy Quran in particular and have read with special prayers. Usually not until a half minutes after drinking, the drug would vomit again. In addition to producing waste, it also brings out the poison and the possible loss due to charge. Treatment at this level are also interspersed with treatment-punctuated out demons from the body of the drug.
There are methods of drug rehabilitation is now up at the last stage, the level of guidance. At this stage the abuser is usually passed by in the last 7 days of treatment, which at this stage will be focused in a spiritual approach to counseling and psychology, and it will last up to a day to 14, in which the grace of God, on the last day , the addict usually has to fully recover from addiction and is able to return home.

Alhamdulillah, Allah has thus far allowed him to arrange the healing of various age levels of drug addiction, from early ages up to teens ages who have been called the grandfather. Usually, the addict who will undergo treatment will be asked to stay for 14 days at the Medical Center for treatment of her in a comfortable and air conditioned and have noted that he would only take a maximum of 3 people only to be treated at any one time. This condition is intended to concentrate and focus the sound to be focused during the treatment process. Addicts treated with coconut water muda.Segala drug in the body can be spewed out. DRUG REHABILITATION TREATMENT In its implementation, in the preliminary stages, he will first remove the devil and the devil is in the body of the drug because of her, so long as there are demons inside the drug, the soul, emotions and feelings of addicts will be disturbed and thus may affect the addictive drug addicts to return even before it was successfully restored addiction. Using the holy verses of Al-Quran and Ustaz Hj-Hanafi special prayer will capture the demons and then inserted into the bottle.

Alhamdulillah, with the permission of Allah, so far he is among the practitioners of Islamic alternatives to successfully offer the treatment of drug addiction in just 14 days, provided that the willingness to seek treatment is really coming from the heart of the patient and not on the basis of coercion from anyone.

Method is on offer is quite unique when compared with the methods of treatment other precisely because it incorporates three levels of treatment of Preliminary Phase, Intermediate Phase and Phase end.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010



Worship is a sacrifice of worship highly encouraged in Islam, particularly for those afford it financially. Worship victims have been sanctioned by Allah in the In the AH.

Word of God S.W.T:
"We (Allah) has give you (O Muhammad) much good. Then * You pray to your Lord and sacrifice (korbanmu). " (Surah Al-Kautsar Paragraph 1-2). * Prayer is meant in the verse prayers for the feast of sacrifice (AidilAdha).


The rule is EXCELLENT muakkad (claimed).
As for those who vow, compulsory jurisdiction. For those Disapproved afford to leave
this practice. Obligatory for the Prophet based on the hadith:
"Written on my
perform religious sacrifices, but it
circumcision is a practice for you. "
(Narrated by Imam Tirmizi)

The purpose of offering: -

Slaughtering livestock consisted of camels, cattle, goats and kibas a grown-up at the feast * victims (Aidil Adha) is in the 10-Hijjah after praying to slip The last day of the sun Tasyrik 13 Zulhijjah in order to get closer to God.

 Age animals can be sacrificed: -
  • Camels 5 yrs and above - 7 parts.
  • Cow, buffalo 2 years and above - 7
  • Goats 2 yrs on-1 portion.
  • Sheep, kibas 1 ½ yr-1 division.
  • * Prohibited by animal sacrifice
  • defective, diseased, broken and its members
  • too thin.

Circumcision, circumcision when slaughtering animals victims: -

1. Reading Bismalah
2. Blessings on the Prophet
3. Facing direction
4. Takbir
5. I pray that acceptable worship


a) Meat diniat victims vow by who made a vow, to be in remit them.
b) 1 / 3 of the meat may be recommended eaten by those who make sacrifices and the remainder donated to the poor poor, can also be donated to the
the rich by the sect Syafie ..
Those who perform religious sacrifices desirable witnessed the slaughter of animal sacrifice as saying He meant:
"O Fatimah! Stand on the side of victims you and the bear, surely drop The first blood was pardoned for mu for the sins of the past. "(Reported by Bazzar and Ibn Hibban).

  • Watching his own execution victims not included in the conditions of worship victims.Imam Khatib in his 
  • Syarbini UIN Al-Muhtaj state, is desirable for those who perform sacrifices to slaughter their own animal sacrifice that, if not able circumcised for them to see slaughter.


Maksudnya ialah menyembelih kambing atau binatang ternakan seperti biri-biri, kibas untuk anak yang baru lahir khususnya pada hari yang ketujuh kelahirannya atau selewat-lewatnya sebelum baligh. Hukumnya sunat muakkad.

Antara dalilnya ialah Hadis Rasulullahs.a.w.:
Dari Samirah, katanya Rasulullah s.a.w.telah bersabda: Setiap anak itu digadaikan dengan aqiqahnya. Disembelih untuknya pada hari ketujuhnya, diberi nama dan dicukur kepalanya. (HR Ashabus Sunan)

Syarat-syarat Aqiqah
a) Dari sudut umur binatang Aqiqah & korban sama sahaja.
b) Sembelihan aqiqah dipotong mengikut sendinya dengan tidak memecahkan tulang sesuai dengan tujuan aqiqah itu sebagai “Fida’” (mempertalikan ikatan diri anak dengan Allah swt).
c) Sunat dimasak dan diagih atau dijamu fakir dan miskin, ahli keluarga, jiran tetangga dan saudara mara. Berbeza dengan daging korban, sunat diagihkan daging yang belum dimasak.
d) Anak lelaki disunatkan aqiqah dengan dua ekor kambing dan seekor untuk anak perempuan kerana mengikut sunnah Rasulullah. ‘Aisyah Radhiallahu ‘anha katanya:
Maksudnya: "Afdhal bagi anak lelaki dua ekor kambing yang sama keadaannya dan bagi anak perempuan seekor kambing. Dipotong anggota-anggota (binatang) dan jangan dipecah-pecah tulangnya." (Hadis riwayat al-Hakim)

Bila tempoh aqiqah?
Disunatkan melakukan aqiqah pada hari ketujuh kelahiran anak, sebagaimana yang terkandung di dalam hadis riwayat al-Baihaqi dari Aisyah.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa pendapat ulamak mengenainya:
Kata Imam al-Rafi’i dan selainnya, aqiqah tidak luput (kesunnahannya) sebab habis tempoh tujuh hari.
Al-Mawardi pula berkata, bahawa aqiqah selepas hari ketujuh dianggap sebagai qadhak.
Al-Syairazi berkata di dalam al-Muhazzab, jika melakukan aqiqah selepas hari ketujuh atau sebelumnya, iaitu selepas kelahiran anak, maka itu sudah memadai (dibolehkan). Dan tidak boleh melakukan aqiqah sebelum kelahiran anak.
Imam al-Nawawi berkata, tidak luput kesunahan aqiqah dengan melewatkannya melebihi tujuh hari, tetapi disunatkan tidak melewatkannya sehingga anak itu mencecah usia baligh.

Pusat Pembimbing Komuniti Nadwah
Badan Nadwah Islamiah Pahang

"Dan bagi tiap-tiap umat telah Kami syariatkan penyembelihan (korban), supaya mereka menyebut nama Allah terhadap binatang ternak yang telah direzekikan Allah kepada mereka" ( surah Al-Hajj ayat 34)

    Sunday, November 14, 2010



    Artinya: “Dan aku tidak membebaskan diriku (dari nafsu).  Sesungguhnya nafsu adalah selalu mengajak pada kejelekan” (QS. Yusuf: 53).

    Perkembangan zamar akhir dengan adanya modernisasi/globalisasi banyak menawarkan berbagai macam bentuk dan praktek kemaksiyatan yang dihiasi dengan keindahan dan kenikmatan nyaris tak terkendalikan.  Di sisi lain Allah juga menciptakan makhluk yang bernama Iblis/Syetan dan telah Allah tetapkan sebagai musuh manusia, telah bersumpah untuk menjadikan anak turun Adam menjadi orang yang tidak bersyukur dan dilaknati Allah, sebagaimana tertuang dalam percakapan Iblis dengan Allah dalam Al-Qur’an:

    Artinya: “Iblis berkata: karena Engkau telah menyesatkan padaku, niscaya sungguh aku akan (menghalang-halangi) mereka dari jalan Engkau yang lurus, kemudian aku akan mendatangi mereka dari muka dan dari belakang mereka, dari kanan dan dari kiri mereka.  Dan Engkau tidak akan mendapati kebanyakan mereka bersyukur (tho’at)”. (QS. Al-A’rof: 16-17).

    1. Realiti Kerosakan  Akhir Zaman.
    Hampir setiap hari kita disuguhi berbagai macam kemaksiyatan baik lewat berita media cetak, maupun elektronik, hampir dapat dipastikan selalu memberitakan tentang kemaksiyatan yang terjadi, seperti judi, narkoba, perzinaan, perampokan dan pembunuhan, dll. Kemaksiyatan semakin lama tidak semakin berkurang justru semakin meningkat, baik kwalitas maupun keragamannya.  Perbuatan kemaksiyatan merupakan perbuatan yang nista dan dosa besar, karena pandainya Iblis dalam menyesatkan manusia maka kemaksiyatan tersebut seolah-olah menjadi perbuatan yang biasa dan ringan dosanya bahkan terkesan sebagai perbuatan baik dan benar.  Pengaruh tersebut dimulai dengan memperhalus istilah-istilah yang sudah biasa dipakai dalam kemaksiyatan sampai pembenaran terhadap kemaksiyatan.

    *  Contoh pergeseran nilai lewat istilah yang diperluas:

    -         Lonthe/begenggek/pelacur disebut Wanita Tuna Susila (WTS) kemudian diperhalus menjadi   Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK). Pelacur dianggap  profesen/pekerjaan.

    -         Orang hamil karana zina diperhalus dengan hamil di luar nikah.

    -         Tempat pelacuran/rumah bordil diperhalus dengan lokalisasi.

        Contoh pembenaran terhadap kemaksiatan.
    – Bebasnya penjualan alat kontrasepsi dengan dalih untuk mencegah penyakit karana seks bebas.

    -         Melegalkan tempat pelacuran/rumah bordil.

    -         Pamer aurat dibungkus dengan kosmetik ratu kecantikan.

    -     Melagalkan pernikahan laki-laki dengan laki-laki (homo).

    a. Kemaksiatan lewat Media Visual (TV, VCD, DVD, HP, INTERNET)
    Dengan alasan rating yang tinggi serta meningkatkan kepuasan pemirsa, hampir semua station  televisyen saat ini berlumba-lumba menayangkan tontonan yang sama sekali tidak mendidik seperti penyanyi yang mengenakan pakaian seronok, tayangan adegan yang tidak senonoh dan vulgar.  Apalagi VCD dan DVD yang isinya tanpa melalui sensor. Teknologi HP di satu sisi kita terbantu dengan fasilitasnya untuk kelancaran kegiatan kita, namun kalau kita tidak hati-hati dalam menggunakan fasilitas HP (3G,MMS,SMS) memungkinkan bagi pengguna HP untuk melakukan kemaksiyatan, seperti melihat tayangan video porno dan sebagainya..

    b. Kemaksiatan lewat Media Cetak
    Kebebasan media yang muncul akibat reformasi menyebabkan sebagian orang atau kelompok   menerbitkan gagasan/ideanya melalui media cetak, kemudahan perizinan menerbitkan buku, koran, tabloid, majalah disalahgunakan oleh orang tertentu.  Saat ini media cetak mudah kita baca setiap saat  sehingga memudahkan kita mengakses berita-berita actual yang kita perlukan seperti, politik, ekonomi, budaya dll.  Akan tetapi dengan dalih kebebasan pers tidak sedikit orang yang tidak bertangung jawab menerbitkan majalah/tabloid  yang dapat menjadi sarana kemaksiyatan, seperti majalah yang menayangkan gambar wanita telanjang dan bacaan porno lainnya.

    c. Kemaksiatan karena Perzinaan
    Kemaksiatan karana perzinaan dengan berbagai macam ragamnya seolah makin tak terbendung lagi penyebarannya.  Perzinaan adalah puncak dari kemaksiatan.  Perzinaan biasanya diawali dengan perbuatan dosa yang dianggap remeh, seperti; saling tukar foto, chating, berpacaran di tempat yang sepi, membaca buku porno, melihat gambar porno, menonton tayangan porno, dll. Karena meremehkan dosa kecil akhirnya berani melakukan perbuatan dosa yang lebih besar, seperti melakukan onani/masturbasi, lesbian, homosex, free sex, kumpul kebo, bahkan pemerkosaan, dll. Yang setiap tahun angka statistiknya semakin meningkat.  Akibat perbuatan zina Allah menurunkan adzabnya seperti; penyakit kelamin (GO,sipilis), HIV/AIDS yang hingga sekarang belum jumpa ubatnya.

    Perzinaan berakibat pula pada kriminalitas yang lain, karena merasa malu tidak punya suami  seorang wanita yang hamil karena zina tega membunuh atau membuang anaknya sendiri yang baru lahir. Karena tidak berani bertanggung jawab seorang laki-laki tega menghabisi nyawa pasangan selingkuhnya, dll.  Na’ubillahi mindzalik.  Apa yang dapat kita perbuat ketika kemaksiyatan sudah merajalela disekitar kita?, mencegah?, memberantas?

    2.  Beratnya Dosa berbuat Zina
    Perbuatan zina adalah perbuatan yang amat tercela, keji dan menjijikkan, maka wajarlah kalau Allah memberikan  adzabnya yang sangat berat di dunia maupun di akhirat. Akibat perbuatan zina nama seseorang menjadi tercela, lebih-lebih pada wanita yang langsung menanggung akibatnya seperti kehamilan yang pasti menjadi aib bagi dirinya, mencoreng nama baik keluarga serta anak yang dilahirkan ikut menanggung penderitaan lahir dan batin.  Apabila perzinaan sudah merajalela orang lain yang tak berdosa ikut menanggung resiko dan akibatnya serta murka dan adzab Allah lebih dahsyat di akhirat.  Lebih-lebih perzinaan dilakukan dengan istri tetangganya maka akan lebih besar dosanya, disamping dosa zina itu sendiri, juga dosa menyakiti hati tetangganya dan menghancurkan rumah tangga (ngrusak pager ayu). Di dalam hukum Islam perzinaan termasuk pelanggaran berat dan dosa besar, apabila pelakunya masih bujangan (Ghoiru muhshon) maka harus dijilid (didera/dicambuk) 100 kali, dan apabila pelakunya sudah bersuami/beristri/janda/duda maka harus dirajam, dilempari batu sampai mati.

    Sebagaimana ketetapan Allah di bawah ini:

    Artinya:  “Perempuan yang berzina dan laki-laki yang berzina, maka deralah tiap-tiap seorang dari keduanya  serastus kali dera dan janganlah belas kasihan kepada keduanyadalam menjalankan agama Allah, jika kalian beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, dan hendaklah (pelaksanaan) hukuman mereka disaksikan oleh sekumpulan dari orang-orang yang beriman” (QS. An-Nur:2)

    Sungguh aniaya orang yang hidupnya hanya mencari kepuasan dunia, kepuasan yang hanya sesaat, menuruti hawa nafsunya, membiarkan Iblis bersemayam dalam dirinya  dan dosa menjadi kebanggaan, tidak menyadari di dunia akan hilang kewibawaannya, pendek umurnya dan fakir bahkan di akhirat nanti akan mengalami penderitaan, kepedihan, mendapat murka dan adzabNya Allah. Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

    Artinya: “Hai golongan orang iman, takutlah kalian akan berbuat zina, karena sesungguhnya di dalamnya ada enam perkara, tiga perkara di dunia dan tiga perkara di akhirat.  Maka adapun tiga perkara yang ada di dunia: hilangnya kewibawaan, pendek umurnya, dan kekalnya kefakiraan. Dan adapun tiga perkara di akhirat : mendapat murka Allah, sejelek-jeleknya hisaban, dan siksa akhirat (neraka)”, (HR. Baihaqi)

    Artinya:  “Ada tujuh golongan yang Allah tidak melihat mereka di hari kiamat dan Allah tidak mau mensucikan dan Allah tidak mau mengumpulkan bersama-sama orang yang beramal kebajikan dan Allah akan memasukkan mereka ke neraka, kecuali bahwasannya mereka bertaubat. Dan barang siapa yang bertaubat maka Allah akan menerima taubatnya. (Tujuh golongan itu adalah):  Orang yang menikahi tangannya (onani/masturbasi) dan orang-orang yang mengerjai dan dikerjai (homo sex dan lesbian), dan orang yang membiasakan minum arak, dan orang yang memukul kedua orang tuanya hingga minta tolong, dan orang yang menyakiti tetangganya hingga melaknatinya dan orang yang menzinai (istri) tetangganya”. (HR. Al-Imam Hasan).

    Supaya menjauhi dan menghindari perbuatan maksiat :

    1.   Meningkatkan kefahaman dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah.

    2    Memperbanyak mengaji (mencari ilmu).

    3    Senang mendengarkan nasihat, tausiyah, ceramah agama.

    4    Bergaul dengan orang-orang yang soleh dan solehin.

    5    Meningkatkan Taqorrub Ilallah

    6    Menghindari perbuatan yang mengarah pada perzinaan

    7    Tidak berduaan dengan lawan jenis yang bukan mahromnya (di tempat sepi).

    8    Menjaga pandangan mata dan menutup aurot.

    9    Menyibukkan diri  dengan  kegiatan positif.

    10  Tidak menonton tayangan porno, dll.

    Penulis:  Ir. Amat Sarjono..

    Friday, November 12, 2010

    Lady Gaga is Satanic (proof that she workships with Satan)

    Lady Gaga deliver a message through the image of Satan & lyrics song featured reply. Stop this female demon listen! also includes other artis like madonna, rihanna and others. They are among the religious faiths of the ancient Jewish kaballah who tend to worship the devil, the mystical and magical & also the main presenter Devil laknatullah headliner in hollywood today.

    p / s: It's up to you to receive @ No permission is given through this video. You are asked to spread this video to all your friends. Click on the 'share' below to share this info with friends the rest of your friends.

    Sunday, October 31, 2010

    Bersugi- ust kazim elias Segment 1-(00-00-00-00-10-30).mp4

    Bersugi- ust kazim elias Segment 1

    Treatment alternative by Islam, Daily prayer and supplication hafazan, disease problems include physical, mental and spiritual, such as cancer, asthma, migraine, magic, mystery santau and various diseases.

    Monday, October 18, 2010

    cleansing therapy?

    What is a soul cleansing therapy?

    It is a treatment with a flowing wave of revelations of the Quran into the minds and souls of individuals who undergo this cleansing therapy. Vibrations and waves, and 'light' of these texts act removes the negative things people are treated. With such positive things that can be developed.
               Among the signs of a sustained during treatment for cleaning

    • palpitations
    • Feeling the heat
    • Head / thoughts drift sense
    • Sad
    • pain in certain parts of the body
    • Many feel more dependent on individual circumstances
    Signs experienced after Therapy Treatment:
    • Calm
    • body feel fresh and light
    • Mind free feel
    • Feel more energetic
    • Many more think of the children, depending on the individual
    The therapeutic benefits of cleansing:
    • Life is full of enthusiasm
    • Liked by people
    • improved mental strength
    • Can leave the labor habits such as laziness, fear, phobias and stress
    • Being positive minded and dare to go through life
    • Able to overcome interference
    • Efforts seek easier
    • Businesses grow
    • Career increased
    • a better relationship with all people
    Who needs therapy cleansing?
    • People who lack food problem
    • Those who are emotionally unstable and problematic
    • They are not peaceful souls
    • They are not a career
    • They are difficult to match
    • They are always anxious
    • They are facing pressure
    • Those who suffer phobias
    • Those who experienced trauma
    • Those who experience mental illness
    • Those who want more advanced and developing business
    • Those who want a promotion in job

        Therapy cleaning can be done in two ways: -

    1              The Present Yourself
    2              The Distance

    Sunday, October 10, 2010

    Nama Syaitan dalam Surah Al-Fatihah

    Al-Fatihah adalah satu rukun dalam solat, apabila cacat bacaannya maka rosaklah solat. Oleh itu perbaikilah bacaannya dengan ilmu tajwid. Bukan setakat bacaannya saja rosak malah kita menyebut nama syaitan di dalam solat kita. Berikut diperturunkan nama syaitan laknat yang wujud didalam Al-Fatihah, sekiranya kita tidak berhati-hati.

    Nama syaitan

    1] DU-LI-LAH (bila dibaca tiada sabdu) sebetulnya DU-LIL-LAH

    2] HIR-ROB (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sebetulnya HI-ROB

    3] KIY-YAU (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sebetulnya KI-YAU

    4] KAN-NAK (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sebetulnya KA-NAK

    5] KAN-NAS (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sebetulnya KA-NAS

    6] I-YA (disebut tanpa sabdu) sebetulnya IY-YA. Iya bermaksud ‘matahari’

    Dalam ayat ke 5, Jika salah bacaannya akan bermaksud “kepada mataharilah yang kami sembah dan kepada matahari kami meminta pertolongan”!!!!

    7] SIROTHOLLAZI…………. sehingga habis hendaklah dibaca tanpa henti.

    8] AMIN .hendaklah mengaminkan Al-Fatihah dengan betul iaitu AA…dua harakat, MIN…. 3 harakat, semoga Amin kita bersamaan dengan Amin malaikat Insya-Allah. semoga kita menjadi orang yang sentiasa membaiki bacaannya.

    >Nama-nama iblis dan syaitan yang termaktub dalam al-Quran juga daripada hadis-hadis serta fungsi masing-masing telah dijelaskan. Banyak lagi nama iblis dan syaitan yang terdiri daripada golongan jin, namun nama-nama seperti tertera iaitu du li lah, hir rob, kiyyau, kannak dan kannas tidak termasuk dalam nama-nama diperturunkan. Biarpun tidak mustahil andainya nama-nama yang terdapat dalam bacaan al-Fatihah yang cacat bacaan, namun setelah meneliti nama-nama yang dikatakan wujud dalam al-Fatihah yang salah bacaannya dirasakan hanya rekaan belaka, tanpa sumber yang utuh atau boleh dipertanggungjawabkan.

    Friday, September 3, 2010


    113 reasons have a jilbab / tudung

    السلام عليكم. بسم اللهالرحمن الرحيم. لا إله إلا الله. محمد رسو ل الله
    الحمد لله رب العا لمين. الصلاة و السلام على رسو ل الله. اما بعد

    WHY I’m Select a veil / hijab?

    1. Running symbol of Islam.

    2. Intend to worship.

    3. Covering private parts of a non muhrim.

    4. Because I want to follow the God who created me, complete the event, giving rizki, protect, and help me.

    5. Because I want to follow His Messenger, he guided humanity to article

    6. To get ridho Allah (God willing).

    7. There is a sign of thanks for his favor without fail.

    8. Full scholars agree that the law imposes mandatory hijab.

    9. So that woman covering her body.

    10. Not for gayaan-style.

    11. Not because according to the trend.

    12. Unlike all the holy shock.

    13. Better than pure sok sok zholim ^ _ ^.

    14. Not just say that is different from others.

    15. Top women from the yoke of shame that only the single goal of desire.

    16. Hijab is suitable for all women who want to protect themselves from sexual items only.

    17. I want to be women solihah.

    18. I'm trying teqwa for middle grades.

    19. Hijab is a garment posted.

    20. Are the identities of Muslim women in hijab.

    21. Starting with hijab wonderful, I want to hold the road to Paradise.

    22. Distanced themselves from the scorching torment of the fire later today.

    23. Wives wore Muslim Prophet.

    24. The sahabiah (Companions of the Prophet women) also wore Muslim.

    25. They are all Muslims panutan, as well as me.

    26. May Allah give us the same consideration as their Garden.

    27. To increase the Kel Islam.

    28. To increase the Kel (glory) as the women themselves (Muslims).

    29. Jilbab is to protect yourself.

    30. Makes me feel safer.

    31. Protect themselves from male harassment usil.

    32. Obyek protect themselves from people just want to see 'eyewash'.

    33. Protect themselves from male lust object.

    34. Protect themselves from the eyes of people jelalatan.

    35. Keep away from hands that would touch usil.

    36. Avoid adultery and fornication liver points.

    37. Prevention of an act of adultery itself.

    38. Hijab to prevent me from negative attitudes.

    39. Hijab's desire to eliminate the deviations.

    40. Made me more casually.

    41. Made me more humble.

    42. Mejauhkan my sins (God willing).

    43. Makes me ashamed when his sins.

    44. I'm closer to God.

    45. I approached the Prophet.

    46. I approached his prophet.

    47. I approached the fellow Muslims.

    48. My approach to Islam.

    49. Makes me want to know about Islam.

    50. Makes me always feel thirsty Islamic teachings.

    51. I still want to make a run in Islam.

    52. Islam happens all the time, there are ancient.

    53. Berjilbab not something old.

    54. Berjilbab says that the ancient meaning was to threaten the power of God.

    55. Ought to know better what is best known for his humanity.

    56. Berjilbab, then mark the progress of implementation of Islamic teachings to the present.

    57. The barometer is the establishment of an Islamic environment.

    58. Distinguish themselves from other religions.

    59. Facilitate recognition between the sisters sisters.

    60. Ukuwah silaturahmi strengthen families and fellow Muslims.

    61. Remove any doubt I would like to congratulate Muslim sisters.

    62. Speed cultivate love-love between brothers sisters.

    63. I make more elegant look.

    64. Made me look gay.

    65. I make women more visible.

    66. Do not look like people.

    67. Do I always among the Islami.

    68. Jilbab keep me from mixing the wrong.

    69. Easy for me, with the permission of Allah, that the righteous person.

    70. Women are good (salihah) with a good man (right) as well.

    71. Hopefully my husband was a righteous man.

    72. Matchmaking is a matter for Allah.

    73. In keta'atan Allah, Allah will give him facilities.

    74. Easy for me to activity ..

    75. Making it easier to move.

    76. Menjagaku hijab so as not to see the body uneven

    77. Very busy when a woman dressed like the current trend (tight).

    78. I do not want to wear denim shorts.

    79. Jeans tight pants can cause uterine canker because the womb is not the temperature around

    80. Menghemat time dressing.

    81. Menghemat hours of irradiation.

    82. No need to be busy, busy always trying to follow the growing trend of fashion.

    83. Menghemat buy clothes that cost the trend.

    84. Menghemat cost to buy make-up.

    85. Protects skin from make-up that can damage the skin.

    86. Protect your skin from Li sting.

    87. Reduce skin ulcer disease.

    88. Sting of the sun to reduce moisture to the skin is dry skin.

    89. Reduce the emergence of black spots on the skin surface as a result of pigment changes in a particular age.

    90. Protect the hair from flying dust.

    91. Dust can gum up the hair and cause hair loss resulting simple

    92. Leads me to a simpler life.

    93. Avoid the use of life.

    94. Making yourself do not glare at all the pomp and grandeur of the world.

    95. Made me think about things more than fashion and jewelry.

    96. Placing the subject of women in the development of humanity.

    97. Easier way to save.

    98. Have the opportunity to perform hajj.

    99. Have an opportunity to berinfaq and charity.

    100. It means more work for the provision of day

    101. I Meneladani Mary, Mother of Jesus USA

    102. Jesus obeyed the order to U.S. & the former prophets. Based on the poem:
    1 Corinthians 11:05 But every woman praying or prophesying with his head uncovered, insulting the head, because it is the same woman who shaved her hair.
    11:06 For if the woman does not want to shield his head, then you should also cut his hair. But if the woman is an insult, that haircut or shave, and must shield his head.
    11:07 For the people do not need to shield his head: it was his idea, and the glory of God.
    He radiates the glory of man.
    11:08 For the people do not come from woman, but woman from man.
    11:09 And the men are not created for women, but women were created for men.
    11:10 Therefore, women should wear a sign of authority on her head because of the angels.
    11:11 However, God, no woman no man and no man without a woman.
    11:12 For as woman came from man, so man is born of woman, and everything is from God.
    11:13 please consider yourself: The female head I pray to God uncovered?

    103. Improving teaching lost from the previous academic

    104. Execute command in the Qur'an, the Torah, the Psalms (Psalms) and the Gospel

    105. Other evidence if the human race is lost before the teachings of the Prophet

    106. Protect yourself from the Fire

    107. Protect the sanctity of the lives of others

    108. Remind others of God's commandments

    109. Following the Road of Life & Truth taught by Jesus, self-AS

    110. Come to God through Jesus the way the U.S. has removed the previous academic and purified again by God in the Qur'an by Prophet Muhammad saw

    111. More important when compared to open a closed Rapih free / free

    112. Savings can be used in the way of God

    113. provide good examples for children and around
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