....Ingat! Sesungguhnya dalam jasad (manusia) ada segumpal darah.Jika ia baik, baiklah jasad seluruhnya. Jika ia rosak, maka rosaklah jasad seluruhnya. Ingat! Itulah hati...
- The word myth is derived from Arabic: kharafa-yakhrifu-kharfan-khurafatan.
- From the view of language Inggerisnya refers to "superstition".
- In Latinnya which means something is quoted, or hoax, myth and tahayul, or a case that does not make sense, or a lie, but interesting.
- Reference to the technical term is focused on understanding the following: --
1. Iktikad holding or not backed to the basic reality and not based on religious basis, such acts or expressions or even number of specific disangkakan can bring happiness or disastrous.
2. All trust, confidence or events that are not sourced from religious teachings, but believed that it has a policy of religion.
3. Tales, stories, legends, stories, asumi, trust or confidence that is not true. It is a falsehood iktikad, where the opponent is iktikad the truth (al-Haq).
4. Each lesson is clearly contrary to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of Muhammad
5. All things created by human eyes open without thinking through the basic sense of sharia, or healthy, then believed to have profited as can reject or demolition.
- Based on various definitions of technical recorded above, the characteristics and scope of the term myth may be concluded as covering the following aspects: --
1. The existence of elements of trust and iktikad believed.
2. It is clearly not come from religious sources of Islamic teachings, and also contrary to the logic of reason and reality, and because it is something wrong that does not contain elements of truth directly.
3. It is believed to bring happiness as can be / or benefits disastrous / demolition.
Lembaran sejarah telah memcatatkan bahawa manusia yang menghuni rantau ini memulakan keagamaan mereka dengan menganut fahaman dinamisme-animisme.
Dari itu, upacara persembahan dan pemujaan yang diwarisi daripada fahaman animisme dan Hindu-Buddha tidak terus dihapuskan tetapi diubahsuai. Maka adat-adat persembahan dan jamuan kepada roh-roh diubah kepada kenduri tahlil yang dimakan bersama. Adat membakar kemenyan dan bacaan mentera kepada roh-roh selepas mati diubah kepada upacara tahlil dan doa dengan nada yang panjang dan sedih.
Dalam kontex ini Allah berfirman yang bermaksud :
"Dan bahawa sesungguhnya adalah ( amat salah perbuatan ) beberapa orang daripada manusia, menjaga dan melindungi dirinya dengan meminta pertolongan kepada ketua-ketua golongan jin, kerana dengan permintaan itu mereka menjadikan golongan jin bertambah sombong dan jahat."( Al-Jin 72:6 )
Pengekalan tradisi campur-aduk seumpama inilah yang menjadikan ajaran Islam yang dihayati dan diamalkan oleh sebahagian umat Islam di seluruh dunia, termasuk di negara kita, menjadi tercemar dan tidak murni.
Myth appears in the shapes of various either in the form below:
# Certain acts
# Specific expression
# The story or a particular story
# Number of specific
# Concepts, principles or a particular sect
Pembahasan the form of superstition is too broad. Therefore we focus on the scope Pembahasan use talisman, amulet, wafaq, mentera mentera foreign-and one-of-use mysticism, especially in the martial arts. This discussion is important as these practices are still widespread among Muslims today.
Amulet, Tangkal and Wafaq/Azimat, Tangkal dan Wafaq
# Amulet, is any things that can be trusted to resist the threat or disaster to avoid the self, family and property.
# Amulet is believed to have supernatural strength and is believed to have khadamnya from supernatural creatures.
# Tangkal, is a form of amulet to wear as a bracelet hand made from yarn, necklace, made of wood or branches to be placed in certain places to protect the purpose of harassment of the devil as incense wrapped in cloth and placed in a corner home.
# Wafaq, the amulet in the form of writings in the form of letters, figures, diagrams or pictures that are written on paper or copper plate. It was written in a language not understood and sometimes mix with the verses the Qur'an.
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